March 2nd, 2025

Interfaith Food Bank to benefit from Pet Food Drive

By Lethbridge Herald on October 6, 2023.

A Pet Food Drive set to run Saturday in Lethbridge will benefit Interfaith Food Bank in its efforts to help families feed themselves and their pets.
Forever Friends Pet Services’ first Pet Food Drive will run from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. in the Fort Whoop Up parking lot. City and area residents are encouraged to donate a bag of pet food to support families in need. In return for a donation of pet food, donors can choose a pumpkin to take home, thanks to the support of local Safeway and Loblaws stores.
In addition, pet owners are encouraged to dress up their pets and bring them along for a Fall or Halloween-themed photo. The cuter the costume the better!
“We’re really grateful to Forever Friends for their recognition of the struggle many families have in not only meeting their own food security needs, but in ensuring they are able to keep their pets healthy and happy,” says Danielle McIntyre, executive director with Interfaith Food Bank.
“Pets offer love, companionship, emotional support and help with issues such as loneliness and isolation, in addition to encouraging active lifestyles. There is nothing more heartbreaking for a pet owner than the thought of not being able to adequately care for their pets, and we see the struggles that shelters and rescues are experiencing right now. This is a great initiative to help people who are struggling to keep their pets.”
McIntyre notes that demand for food bank services has been on the rise since March of 2022, and food banks across Canada are seeing record numbers due to inflation and the rising costs of living.
“The cost of groceries alone has had a major impact on people not having enough to keep food on the table. With increased costs of fuel, utilities and interest rates, we are seeing people who would have never been in need of our services having to ask for help.”

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