March 3rd, 2025

Fair visitors have plenty of options to fill their appetites

By Alejandra Pulido-Guzman - Lethbridge Herald on August 24, 2023.


After a successful kick-off on Tuesday, the second day of Whoop-Up Days saw hundreds of people within the first couple of hours ready to fill their stomachs with carnival food.
Those attending Whoop-Up Days Wednesday found all kinds of food trucks right outside the doors after walking through the new Agri-Food Hub and Trade Centre at Lethbridge and District Exhibition.
Two of those food trucks were Santeria Taco Truck and Lemay’s Kettle Korn, both of them first timers at Whoop-Up Days and they were happy with the turnout so far.
Owner of Lemay’s Kettle Korn, Dan Lemay spoke to the Herald about an hour into the second day of Whoop-Up Days and said he was in town from Airdrie for the fair and was happily surprised with the turnout.
“Yesterday wasn’t too bad considering was the first day. Usually the first days is a little bit slow as it is in the middle of the week. Hopefully today it will be a little bit better so I think as the weekend comes closer it will start getting busier,” said Lemay.
 He said that since it was his first time taking part in Whoop-Up Days attendance was hard to judge and he did not have something to compare it to, but he was aware of the effect free admission had on the turnout.
“This year we decided to try a lot of the bigger events. We just went to Medicine Hat Stampede and we did the Westerner Days in Red Deer so we’re travelling a little bit more this year just expand out a little bit,” said Lemay.
 He said he heard about Whoop-Up Days from another vendor and decided to apply for a spot.
 “Once we heard about the free admission, we thought maybe this would be good as they were expecting over 30,000 people, so we decided to sign up and give it a try,” said Lemay.
He said those attending Whoop-Up Days can expect to find different kinds of kettle corn when they stop by his truck.
“We offer the original kettle corn which is the sweet in the salty, and this year we’ve added to our menu the salty butter flavoured, salted caramel and we’re also doing the Chicago mix which is caramel and cheddar together. We’ve also expanded a little bit and we’re serving nachos and cheese,” said Lemay.
He said the corn comes in two sizes, regular and large with the latter able to feed up to three people or one who really loves popcorn and is not willing to share.
For those looking for a bit more spice Santeria Taco Truck had just the right amount, and owner Deanna Levavasour said she has plenty of food to last until 11 p.m. each day.
“We have people check everything out and then come back to us, they come and taste our food and then they come back for more, so it’s really neat that they come back and compliment us on our food,” said Levavasour.
She said when it comes to the types of tacos her food truck has to offer, there is plenty to choose from including some not-so-traditional options.
“We have a Chinese pork belly Taco which is super popular, I’m always making that, we have a brisket Taco as well and this week we have an elote corn which is corn on the cob and it’s got some Mayo, spices and feta cheese on it, and we have some fresh fruit options as well,” said Levavarour.
Other food options include corndogs, barbecue pork, fried chicken, Jamaican cuisine, pretzels, pizza, Philippine barbecue, hot dogs, ice cream and slushies among many more.

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