October 14th, 2024

Man granted bail while seeking to apply for drug treatment court

By Tim Kalinowski on August 31, 2021.

LETHBRIDGE HERALDtkalinowski@lethbridgeherald.com

A man with a history of not complying with his release conditions has been given one last chance to obtain his freedom while his matters wind through the courts.
Jyi Mickell Trotter, who faces numerous charges, was granted cash bail for $4,000 with several conditions in Lethbridge provincial court on Monday.
Trotter, 41, who pleaded guilty to dangerous driving in June and was sentenced to three months less time served, is also charged with two counts of possession; trafficking in the proceeds of crime over $5,000; possession of stolen property under $5,000; operating a motor vehicle while prohibited, and; five counts of breach of release orders after police seized $17,000 worth of drugs and $12,000 worth of cash after police pulled over a vehicle with a stolen plate attached back on May 2.
Trotter was charged alongside Kaila Giroux, 27, in these matters. Giroux faces charges of two counts of possession for the purposes of trafficking and possession of stolen property under $5,000.
The arrests were the result of a short-term police investigation about 11:15 a.m. on May 2 involving a vehicle in the 100 block of Purdue Court W. that had a stolen licence plate attached.
A search of the vehicle turned up 62.9 grams of methamphetamine; 18.6 grams of fentanyl, and; more than $12,000 cash.
Trotter also was sentenced to four months in jail in January for failing to obey court orders pertaining to his previous release conditions on other charges.
Trotter also pleaded guilty to a charge of driving without insurance and was fined $3,000 in court on Monday, or the equivalent of 25 days time served. Trotter has enough time in pre-trial custody to represent the 25 days and did not have to do any additional time on this charge.
Crown lawyer Darwyn Ross told the court he was prepared to agree to release Trotter for a $4,000 cash bail, but warned Trotter, who is in custody at Lethbridge Correctional Centre and appeared in court by CCTV on Monday, and his lawyer Vincent Guinan, if he breaches his conditions again the Crown will not be prepared to accept any future bail applications from Trotter. Trotter is not considered a danger to the public.
Guinan said his client is aware of the court’s impatience with him, and Trotter hoped to enter into drug treatment court to deal with his ongoing addiction issues. Guinan requested an adjournment until Sept. 30 to allow Trotter to prepare his applications to the drug treatment court before his next appearance. This was granted.

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