By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on February 13, 2025. To extend care for children in the city and to make good use of two portable classroom not in use, the Medicine Hat Public School Division is offering the portable childcare space to qualified childcare operators in the Hat. The two portable classrooms, one at Ross Glen School and another at George Davison School, offer locations close to schools to operate a childcare centre from. The modular classroom space at George Davidson school is currently available. The Ross Glen modular classroom will become available Sept. 1. “This is a great opportunity to provide quality care for families in our community,” reads a press release. The division is now accepting proposals from qualified childcare operators in one or both locations. Ideally, MHPSD is looking for a single operator willing to run both locations. The division also suggests interested applicants seek out available government grants available through the Building Blocks Capital Grant Program, a $53-million investment announced Jan. 30 to encourage the creation of new childcare spaces. Funds available through the Building Blocks Capital Grant Program will prioritize the creation of new childcare spaces in high-need areas that include “areas with limited or no childcare options, or underserved communities and communities with barriers to access,” reads a statement. Two grant streams are available, one for major capital projects that cost $500,000 or more, and another funding stream for projects less than $5 million. To submit a request for proposal, visit and click its “Division News’ tab. Proposals will be accepted until 2 p.m on March 4. You can also follow the online links provided by the division to find an application page for the Building Blocks Capital Grant Program. 11