March 15th, 2025

Fire services seeking historical items to display during 125th anniversary open houses

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on February 11, 2025.

As the Medicine Hat Fire and Emergency Services ramps up celebrations for its 125th Anniversary of service this year, it’s reaching out to members of the public who may be in possession of historical fire and emergency service items.

The service is hoping to display vintage items that have “stories to tell” for two open-house events planned later this year.

“Do you have an old firefighter helmet, badge or uniform tucked away in your attic?” reads an online post. “We’d love to showcase it at one of our 125th anniversary open houses.”

The historical items will be showcased among a series of events and exhibits planned throughout the year that will be open to residents, including photos exhibits, public events and the annual Firefighter Gala.

This summer the service will host an open-house event at Station No. 2, planned for June 21, and later in the summer, the service will host another open house at Station No. 1 on Sept. 13.

If residents have items related to fire services that may hold significant value or historical meaning, and are willing to temporarily display them to the community, send a photo and brief description by email to

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