March 17th, 2025

City accepting official applications of proposals for Towne Square seacan uses

By ANNA SMITH Local Journalism Initiative on January 14, 2025.

The City of Medicine Hat has opened the application window for proposals to repurpose one or more of the eight seacans previously located downtown at Towne Square.

The seacans were initially approved for removal in a council meeting in November, and the City has since been seeking ideas for what should be done with the former market pods.

City staff have developed 10 criteria within a scoring rubric to gauge the balance of these and eight other elements, which they will use to sort proposals. They advise that the uses for the seacans “must highlight a balance of community benefit and taxpayer value, which could include financial compensation to aid in cost recovery.”

Applications will be accepted online until Feb. 21 at 3 p.m, will only be accepted from residents of Medicine Hat and the project proposal must be located within city limits.

Successful applicants will be advised by March 7.

The guidelines and scoring rubric, which applicants are encouraged to view before submitting a proposal, are all available at

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