March 18th, 2025

New deputy police chief joins MHPS on Monday

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on January 4, 2025.

Rajnish Saini will officially assume the role deputy chief on Monday. -- SUBMITTED PHOTO

On Monday the Medicine Hat Police Service will welcome Rajnish Saini as the new deputy chief of police, joining the service following a 25-year career in policing with the Brantford Police Service and Nelson Police Department.

Police chief Alan Murphy explains the service has used different categorized structures for its high-ranking officers responsible for the department’s operations, and prefers a framework that includes a deputy chief position.

“The jump from the inspector’s chair to my chair, the chief’s chair, it’s a bit of a big jump,” explains Murphy. “So I think it’s a much better structure for our future and succession planning to have a deputy chief, then you can go from inspector to deputy, then deputy to chief.

“It creates better opportunities for success for the people in those chairs, which will be a success for our community if the people in the chairs are better at their jobs.”

Saini comes to Medicine Hat after serving in the same role of deputy chief with the Nelson Police Department, and was in charge of overseeing both the operational and administrative functions of the department.

Saini has also been involved in implementing the use of technology to increase police efficiency.

Before accepting his position in Nelson, Saini reached the rank of staff sergeant with the Brantford Police Service throughout 23 years of service.

“I think he will bring his own insights and his experience and he’ll see different things that the rest of us don’t see right now, and maybe he’ll see something that we can try. So I think it’s exciting for our community to have Raj with us.”

In a press release Saini says he is honoured and humbled to join the MHPS as deputy chief.

“I am excited to work alongside the dedicated and passionate members of the MHPS and to serve and engage with the Medicine Hat community.”

Saini will be officially shorn into the role Jan. 6.

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