March 19th, 2025

A Zoom call with the Big Guy

By Medicine Hat News on December 24, 2024.


As has become an annual tradition – and because we serve some of the best cookies he’s ever had – Jolly Old St. Nick, Mr. Claus himself, met with the Medicine Hat News last week ahead of his big night, Christmas Eve. After many years of phone calls and loooong-distance charges, Zoom meetings have allowed the News to get to know Santa much better in recent years, and we are very happy to show you the transcript from that interview.

MHN: Santa, it’s so lovely to see you after another full year. You’re looking merrier than ever. Have things been well?

Santa: Why, yes! I’m happy to report the past year has been marvellous. It’s even better now that I’m back in one of my favourite cities, Medicine Hat!

MHN: Well, we’re glad to have you back, Santa. The people of Medicine Hat have been eagerly awaiting your visit on Christmas Eve.

Santa: Ho, ho, ho, doesn’t that make me feel jolly! I’m certain Hatters of all ages will love the gifts my elves crafted for them this year.

MHN: What would you say are the most popular gifts requested?

Santa: For youngsters, interactive pets – which are robotic plushies that move, talk and sometimes even go for walks – are quite popular; as are Play-Doh sets and bikes. For tweens and teens, I’ve gotten lots of requests for games, sports equipment and Lego sets.

I also get lots of requests for merchandise – or ‘merch’ as the kids call it nowadays – from famous musicians. Let’s just say there will be lots of Taylor Swift merch to open on Christmas morning.

MHN: Do you like Taylor Swift’s music, Santa?

Santa: Oh yes, Santa is a Swiftie! My favourite song of her’s is ‘Christmas Tree Farm,’ of course.

MHN: Say, Santa, if you were to make a Christmas playlist, which songs would you include in it?

Santa: Hmm, now that’s a difficult question to answer as there are so many wonderful songs of the Season. Nevertheless, I think my must-have songs would include Andy Williams’ It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year, Frank Sinatra’s version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas and Brenda Lee’s Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree.

MHN: All timeless classics.

Santa: Why, thank you. I think music brings joy to any occasion. Back at the North Pole workshop, the elves always have carols playing, as they say it helps them work more efficiently.

*leans closer and whispers*

Just between you and me, they occasionally get sidetracked by the music and end up having dance parties. They think I don’t know, but I caught on a few Christmases ago when I walked past the workshop and saw one of my elves, Wiggles, doing a dance move called ‘the worm’ as everyone cheered him on. Ho ho ho! I don’t mind though. A fun workshop is a happy workshop.

MHN: You sound like an excellent boss, Santa.

Santa: If there is one thing I have learned through all my many years, it’s that laughter is one of life’s greatest gifts. That is something children know well.

MHN: Do you think the world needs more laughter, Santa?

Santa: Well, sometimes. It’s difficult because adults have responsibilities and sometimes those responsibilities require being serious. But not all the time. It’s important to find a balance, where you can be serious sometimes and joyful at others.

MHN: You always say something profound during our interviews, Santa. What other wisdom could you share with us? Perhaps a piece of advice or a message.

Santa: Well, a topic I often ponder at this time of the year is the true meaning of a gift.

Of course, I’m well known for bringing gifts to all the little boys and girls around the world, and I delight in seeing the smiles on their faces when they open their presents Christmas morning.

Yet gifts can be far more than just those wrapped in colourful paper and tied with bows. Gifts can be anything nice we give to or do for another person, without asking anything in return.

Our presence can be a gift – like when we visit our relatives’ houses on Christmas Day, and talk and laugh or maybe eat a meal together. Being present at these moments allows us to connect in ways we aren’t always able to in our day-to-day lives.

Our time can also be a gift – for some people, they donate part of their Christmas Day to volunteer in handing out meals to people who might not otherwise have a meal. That time is something they cannot get back, but they see helping others as a worthwhile way to spend it.

Most importantly, our consideration is a gift – simply thinking of others and being kind to them, whether that be your family, friends or people you don’t know but happen to encounter. Consideration is invaluable, as I believe all people, at their core, desire, not only to be loved, but to be seen and appreciated.

Simply put, during the Holiday Season, I urge all people to freely give whichever gifts they can.

MHN: That is a beautiful message, Santa.

Santa: I hope it resonates with people in Medicine Hat and beyond.

MHN: Speaking of Medicine Hat, the city has recently had fluctuating temperatures which meant lots of ice build-up on the ground, trees and rooftops. Do icy conditions make it hard for your reindeer to land when you’re out delivering presents?

Santa: Ice is quite tricky indeed, as reindeer hooves aren’t made to navigate ice. Many, many years ago, when my reindeer and I first started delivering presents, the reindeer sometimes tried to land on an icy roof, but would touch down and wouldn’t be able to stop; we’d just skid off the side and then have to make an emergency landing in the front yard. Emergency landings are quite dangerous, so I had one of my inventor elves design a special shoe for the reindeer to wear, which allows them to get better traction on the ice. I’m happy to report, we haven’t had to make any ice-related emergency landings since then.

MHN: Have there been non-ice-related emergency landings?

Santa: Once or twice, but that’s a story for another day. *winks*

MHN: Yes, I suppose our interview time is coming to a close. You have to get back to work preparing for your trip around the world soon, don’t you?

Santa: That’s right.

MHN: One last question; do you have any special traditions or good-luck rituals you do before departing from the North Pole on Christmas Eve?

Santa: Yes, indeed! Mrs. Claus always cooks a huge turkey dinner for me, herself and all the elves to sit down and eat together. The reindeer even come inside and eat with us – though they eat a nice meal of roasted carrots instead. It’s a nice, quiet time for us to celebrate all we have accomplished before the reindeer and I set off.

MHN: That sounds lovely! Well, safe travels, Santa!

Santa: *waves* See you soon, Medicine Hat, and Meeeeerrrrrryyyy Christmas! Ho ho ho!

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