March 19th, 2025

Fee changes will add a few bucks to utility bills next year

By Medicine Hat News on December 18, 2024.


Utility fee changes will see residential Hat customers pay about $2.75 more each month for water, sewer and trash service, as well as gas and electric delivery in 2025.

That increase, approved late Monday by city council, is kept to 1 per cent largely due to the planned elimination of recycling fees as the province takes over funding recycling programs. The difference is offset by increases to power (5 per cent) and gas (9 per cent) distribution fees, along with water (4 per cent).

Another reduction comes in lower revenue from the Municipal Consent and Access Fee.

The new fees put the average monthly bill at about $242 per month, while an average commercial bill would rise by $67, and industrial customers would see a four per cent rise as well.

Commodity rates will continue to follow an interim rate formula into the new year until council takes action on recommendations of a third-party report received late this year.

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