March 18th, 2025

Get your voice heard, irrigation districts say as province reviews its water licensing system

By Medicine Hat News on November 29, 2024.

Irrigation districts in southern Alberta are urging members to get involved as the province begins process of reviewing water licensing. Icy water flows on the South Saskatchewan under Finlay Bridge in this wintery file photo from 2018.--NEWS FILE PHOTO


Irrigation districts are alerting their members to get involved in outreach by the province as it examines potential updates to how water is licensed in Alberta.

Last spring when announcing a series of voluntary water-use reduction agreements ahead of expected drought, Environment Minister Rebecca Schulz said a wider review of the water licensing system would follow.

Policy engagement is expected in 2025, but this month, regional meetings were meant to gather feedback on “local opportunities and barriers, including conservation, efficiency and productivity, alternative water sources and water allocations and transfers.”

That’s as the province considers scarcity and increased water need from population growth.

The Eastern Irrigation and St. Mary Irrigation districts each told members in newsletters this month that the results could greatly impact ag producers in southern Alberta.

“Outcomes of this consultation may include amendments to the Water Act as well as changes to the current water licensing system, which would impact Water Licences for (districts), private irrigators, feedlots and the entire irrigated agriculture sector,” reads the notice.

Potential changes outlined on an “issues sheet” related to transfers and allocation ask:

– If the government should review future transfers (about 400 largely private transactions have been registered since the South Saskatchewan basin was closed to new licences in 2007);

– Whether licences operate with or without the need to show beneficial use, and;

– What would be the impact of increased requirements?

A virtual open house was held for southern Alberta water licence holders earlier this week. An online survey is open until Jan. 10 at

An open house in Lethbridge that was set to take place Thursday was cancelled due to restrictions related to the recently called byelection in Lethbridge-West. Those rules restrict government advertising and actions during an election period.

The final in-person open house session is set to take place on Dec. 3 in Red Deer.

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