March 16th, 2025

Province launches Rats on Rats! campaign to help keep Albertans vigilant

By ANNA SMITH Local Journalism Initiative on November 6, 2024.

The government of Alberta is releasing a brand new campaign to seek residents’ aid in keeping the province rat-free.

“Rat on Rats!” is a new informational program to help Albertans identify invasive rat species, as well as direct them on how to report a rat sighting. This has been done through Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership funding to the Alberta Invasive Species Council, in order to upkeep a status that has been maintained by the province for more than 70 years.

“Managing invasive species and pests, like rats, is an important part of keeping our food chain safe and productive,” said Lawrence MacAulay, federal minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food. “This campaign will help keep Alberta proudly rat-free, so our farmers can focus on what they do best – feeding Canadians and the world.”

The $110,000 investment will fund billboards and outreach materials encouraging Albertans to report rats and rat signs.

Last year, there were 450 rat sightings, 23 of which were confirmed rats, says the province. A majority of the other sightings, at 158, were muskrats, which are native to the region.

“Alberta’s rat control program is an incredible success story. Our Rat on Rats! campaign builds on this and calls on all Albertans to help keep Alberta rat-free – if you see a rat, report it immediately,” said Megan Evans, executive director of the Alberta Invasive Species Council. “We all have a role to play in protecting Alberta from the impacts of invasive species.”

Rats often hitchhike into Alberta on vehicles, cargo and equipment, making it crucial for everyone to recognize that these pests are not native or established here. Albertans can report rats or rat sightings by emailing or calling 310-3276.

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