March 16th, 2025

Shark lab, HR update included in public school monthly highlights

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on November 2, 2024.

Photo of a Blacktip shark during a teacher internship program at Bimini Shark Lab. Local science teacher Renee Tschritter had the opportunity to study a variety of marine species in July and plans to share those experiences with students and fellow teachers.--SUPPLIED IMAGE

The science department head and teacher at Medicine Hat High School had the unique opportunity to participate in the teacher/educator internship funded by the Save our Seas Foundation to study sharks at the Bimini Shark Lab located in the Bahamas.

Renee Tschritter was among 28 educators selected for the internship out of more than 220 applications from Canada, the U.S and the Bahamas.

The seven-day field course in July included daily lectures by the associate director of research at Florida State University Coastal and Marine Laboratory, as well as various trips around South Bimini to study lemon, nurse, blacktip and Caribbean reef sharks in their natural habitat, as well as southern stingrays and sea turtles

The goal of the research scholarship is to provide educators an experience they can take back into the classroom and reach students who may otherwise have no connection to the ocean.

Through her experience Tschritter plans to inspire students and fellow teachers to pursue conservation efforts and real-world experience in education through lunch-hour presentations and classroom discussions.

“Part of my goal when I will speak to some of the classes is to emphasize how important sharks are in the ecosystems, and get students excited to consider pursuing marine biology,” states Tschritter.

Staffing update

Medicine Hat Public School Division has announced changes within its central team to address upcoming temporary and permanent departures.

By the end of the school year three of six human resource employees will be leaving the division. To address workforce planning for next year board trustees were provided a presentation that highlights teacher data.

The presentation focused on the division’s hiring strategy and highlighted that all education assistant employees who had a contract last school year have a position this year within the division.

This year 40 teachers were hired in full-time and part-time or probationary positions.

Eighty-seven per cent of probationary teachers for the 2023-24 schools year have moved into continuous contracts, and 12 educators retired or resigned.

It also highlighted the average age of different employee groups, years worked, as well as average retirement and resignation times.

New practices were put in place to include a probationary review process for all CUPE employees and a new annual evaluation for custodial employees. Training and coaching for the division’s new head custodian began in September.

Upcoming dates

Nov. 8 will be a professional development day for students and public schools will be closed on Remembrance Day.

Nov. 12 the school division is hosting a one-hour online session to teach parents how to support their children with spelling and reading. Parents can join online by video meeting or by phone. Details can be found on the division’s website,

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