March 11th, 2025

Local walk for diabetes cure set for Sept. 8 at Kin Coulee Park

By ANNA SMITH Local Journalism Initiative on August 17, 2024.

The JDRF Walk to Cure Diabetes is returning to Medicine Hat on Sept. 8, as part of Canada’s largest fundraiser for Type-1 diabetes research.

While usually a spring event, this year the city’s Type-1 diabetic community found it would be easier to get everyone together in the fall, though this doesn’t change the nature of the walk, says organizer and committee co-chair Cassie Donnelly.

“In the spring, there’s grads and dance recitals, and it’s just really busy,” Donnelly told the News. “We thought that this would be a great opportunity to have everybody come together and celebrate the Type-1 diabetes community.”

Donelly has been involved with the walk for three years in support of her son, who was diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes in 2020.

“It was really important to me as his mom to get involved with the community and spread the message,” said Donelly, who continued on to explain that just because there is treatment for the condition with daily insulin doses, that doesn’t mean there is a cure.

“Even with the most vigilant management, there are risks of potentially life-altering complications,” Donnelly said in a press release. “There is nothing you can do to prevent Type-1 diabetes, and at present, nothing you can do to cure it.”

There are nearly 300,000 Canadians currently living with the condition.

On the day of the event, registration for the walk will open at 10 a.m. at the Kin Coulee Bandshell, with opening ceremonies at 11 a.m.

The ceremony will consist of several people living with Type-1 diabetes sharing their experiences, including children, as well as organizers welcoming everyone to the event. From there, attendees will begin their walk around the Kin Coulee loop.

Yard games and other family-friendly activities will also be available.

“It’s about raising awareness more than anything, and obviously the fundraising, too,” said Donnelly. “But it’s just to keep it top of mind, because there’s a lot of people who struggle with so many things in life, from cancer to kidney disease and so many others. We just want to make sure that people know this is something that we’re fighting for, too.”

This focus comes alongside a $17,000 fundraising goal, which will contribute to ongoing research into a Type-1 cure.

Donnelly also highlighted the importance of coming together as a community to allow for those with Type-1 diabetes and their loved ones to meet and connect with others who share their experience, another major aspect of the event.

Those interested in getting involved are encouraged to register at

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