March 11th, 2025

Can’t slow him down: Young man with Cerebral Palsy needs a little help to continue his success story

By BRENDAN MILLER on August 10, 2024.

Carter Jones, owner of Handicapped & Hustlin', is hoping to raise money to help pay for a new work van that he is able to outfit for wheelchair use. Jones has lived with Cerebral Palsy since he was two months old and has been wheel-chair bound since. He needs to purchase a new work vehicle for his mobile car detailing company.--SUBMITTED PHOTO

Working with cars has been Carter Jones’ passion ever since he was young, and despite living with Cerebral Palsy since he was child, Jones has been able to build his own company in Medicine Hat that offers car detailing and full service packages.

Jones was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy after going into cardiac arrest when he was two-months old, and has been wheelchair bound his entire life. However, Jones doesn’t let his condition that affects his movement and control over motor functions slow him down.

Five years ago he officially started his business Handicapped & Hustlin’ where he offers mobile car detailing services including vacuuming, steam cleaning, high-end detailing with paint repairs and paint corrections and ceramic coatings.

Despite being physically challenged, Jones enjoys supporting himself and being as independent as possible. He says he’s inspired to continue working and growing his company so he doesn’t have to rely, as much, on income support.

“There is no backup, this is the only option,” explains Carter. “I live on my own, I pay rent, I pay groceries, I’m on AISH, but my monthly bills are more than what I get from the government.”

Carter tells the News his business has been picking up recently after a slow year in 2023, however his 13-year-old work vehicle, which is modified to accommodate someone in a wheelchair, has more than 350,000 kilometres and is showing its age.

Carter says he has been spending extra money to keep his 2011 Dodge Grand Caravan on the road because of its important and expensive wheelchair modifications that included lowering the suspension and adding a wheelchair access ramp.

“The main reason why I’m still holding onto it is because back in 2012 we invested $25,000 to put a ramp on,” explains Carter. “It’s the only way I can move my wheelchair around.”

To continue working safely and to serve his clients effectively, Jones is fundraising for a newer cargo-style van that will be easier and cheaper to modify for his wheelchair, as well as providing him more space for car detailing equipment and cleaning products.

“I was just curious to see how much a brand new minivan that has been converted appropriately, and it is about $100,000 Canadian,” says Carter. “I’m not speaking for everyone in a wheelchair but for the most part we’re on lower incomes than able-bodied people. I don’t get how they expect us to afford $100,000 or more for a sensible van.”

So Jones recently launched a GoFundMe with a goal of raising $20,000 to help cover the cost of the new cargo van and necessary modifications. Jones says he is reaching out for help from the community because it’s his only option right now.

“I don’t really have a family to reach out to for help.” Carter says he has lost both his parents and reaches out to his brothers for support. “Like, there’s no backup plan, at the end of the day I want to make my parents proud.”

Currently Jones has raised more than $2,600 of his $20,000 goal. To find his campaign visit and search for Medicine Hat. You can also search for ‘Help Handicapped & Hustlin’ get a new work van’ on GoFundMe’s home page. You can also visit Jones on Facebook at Handicapped & Hustlin.

Jones says his company recently launched a monthly subscription program called the ‘Monthly Hustler Program’ that offers monthly comprehensive detailing for a large discount.

A direct link to the page can be found here:

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