March 10th, 2025

Not much change to utility prices heading into August

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on August 2, 2024.

The City of Medicine Hat's Unit 16 power plant is shown.--NEWS FILE PHOTO

Power prices in Medicine Hat this month are expected to dip slightly, however natural gas prices will increase based on the weighted average cost of the city’s natural gas rate that started at the beginning of the year.

The August total billable rate for electricity will be 7.705 cents per kWh, down slightly from last months rate of 7.842 cents per kWh. This month’s recovery rate of 7.05 cents per kWh will be added to the current default rate of 7 cents per kWh.

This month’s electricity rate for large commercial and industrial is set at 9.884 cents per kWh. The rate falls slightly under EPCOR’s Energy Alberta GP inside and outside of Edmonton and rates offered by Direct Energy Regulated Services. ENMAX energy based in Calgary has this months cheapest rate at 9.495 cents per kWh.

This months default natural gas rate is set at $0.912 per GJ up from last months rate of $0.770 per GJ. This rate is based on monthly consumption plus $0.07 per GJ to recover transactional costs and a small rate of return.

This month’s Going Green surcharge to recover costs incurred to purchase renewable energy is $0.0035 per kWh.

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