September 19th, 2024

Province funds economic development efforts in rural southeast Alberta

By Medicine Hat News on June 12, 2024.


Five economic development projects in southeast Alberta will share nearly $400,000 in grants from the province’s “Small Community Opportunity Fund,” it was announced Monday.

A total of $3.2 million in funding for local government, non-profit agencies and Indigenous communities was awarded for economic development by the Ministry of Agriculture.

Five projects are near Medicine Hat:

– The City of Brooks, $90,000, to “connect local business community and provide supports for succession planning”;

– Special Areas Board, $90,000, to integrate a workforce strategy and regional housing assessment;

– Town of Oyen, $90,000, to develop investment attraction plan for the Oyen Rail and Logistics Park;

– Village of Foremost, $90,000, to develop artificial intelligence monitoring for flight documentation from the unmanned aerial system test range;

– Newell (County) Regional Tourism Assoc., $36,000, to expand open farm days to business and tourism opportunities.

Grants are available in centres with a population of fewer than 20,000 residents that are located at least 100 kilometres from a major population centre. Successful applicants are required to provide at least 10 per cent toward the project budget.

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