September 7th, 2024

Cypress County Briefs: Voting results will appear on screen during livestreams of meetings

By ANNA SMITH on May 23, 2024.


Cypress County council enjoyed a brief public meeting on Wednesday, with acting CAO Steven Toews commenting that they went through items so swiftly, it was nearly a struggle to flip pages fast enough.

All three readings of a change to the council’s procedural bylaw were passed that would allow for the electronic voting results to be displayed on screen for the livestream and electronic recording of council meetings.

This is a follow-up to previous discussion at the previous meeting on May 7, where Coun. Robin Kurpjuweit put forward a request for a decision that would make all votes recorded. This was accepted as an alternative to that motion at the time.

It was remarked at the previous meeting that this was previously believed to already be available information on the stream. All readings of the motion were carried, putting the change into effect.

Mapping it out

It was noted that administration has received word of Google Maps generating routes through private property, and as such, has created a small document detailing the process for marking roads as private both on desktop and on devices for those dealing with the issue. The document is currently available within the agenda package on the county website.

Women’s shelter request

Cypress County received a letter requesting support from the Medicine Hat Women’s Shelter Society, which is seeking aid to cover the cost of upcoming facility improvements.

While the shelter has secured a low-interest loan for the project, it seeks additional support to reduce the debt burden. This assistance is crucial, the shelter says, to enable it to cover operational expenses while repaying the loan. Presently, the MHWSS still needs to raise 35 per cent of its budget, which is not covered by the core Government of Alberta funding.

The request is slated to be brought back for the 2025 budget deliberation with additional information.

“We can at least investigate the municipal opportunities that would exist,” said Kurpjuweit. “We could bring in possibly some of these different groups that have grants, possibly for building because it sounds like it’s a capital project.”

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