September 19th, 2024

Ark spotted in city has fascinating past, to be stage for performance

By ANNA SMITH on May 9, 2024.

Joshua Quinlan and pastor Darcy from Rock of the Valley Church in Lumsden, Sask. pose in front of the replica ark.--Photo Submitted

What initially appeared to be a bad omen following recent rainfall is instead a setting for song and story, with a replica of Noah’s Ark seen at the Sun City Ford to serve as a stage later this month.

Brother Joshua Quinlan, an evangelical minister from Edmonton, saw an opportunity to spread a message of care to the community as the ark returns home from where it was found in Regina.

“Our chaplain Emeritus used to have that stage 30 years ago, and somebody took it from him, didn’t give it back,” said Quinlan. “Fast forward 20 years, his son’s father in law happened to find it in Regina, and so when we needed a stage, they were willing to give us that stage. We really believe it’s divinely connected.”

Quinlan explained that he believes the shape of the stage offers a chance to spread a message of community in an enjoyable and memorable way.

“Jesus said that when he returns, it’ll be just like the days of Noah, where people are living their life for themselves, rather than for each other,” said Quinlan. “So I think it’ll be a good message of just hope, and a good message to care about our neighbour, and love one another. I think it’s timely.”

The arc is being stored at Sun City Ford, which Quinlan expressed gratitude to for being willing to help.

Before the ark continues on its journey to Edmonton, Quinlan plans to use it in order to tell stories, play music and do a “sort of show and tell” in Kin Coulee Park and other locations throughout the city, from May 20-25.

Quinlan’s truck cannot currently complete the haul back home, but while work is being done to enable that, he wants to enjoy the city and do something fun.

Quinlan is looking to get members of the community involved while the ark is in Medicine Hat, and is seeking performers and volunteers who would be interested in taking part in the event.

“It’s for the community, and hopefully by the community, with us just kind of providing a fun stage to rally around,” said Quinlan.

Those interested in taking part are encouraged to call Quinlan at 825-977-0444.

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