September 21st, 2024

Province looking for agriculture persons of note for hall of fame

By ANNA SMITH Local Journalism Initiative on February 16, 2024.

Nominations are open for 2024 Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame.

Beginning in 1951, the hall of fame honours individuals who have made significant contributions to the agriculture and food industry, as well as the development and sustainability of life in rural Alberta.

“I am continually impressed by the dedication and pride demonstrated by our agricultural and agri-food leaders,” said Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation RJ Sigurdson. “The Alberta Agriculture Hall of Fame gives community members the opportunity to recognize those leaders by nominating them for this prestigious award. I look forward to celebrating the 2024 inductees this fall.”

Up to three individuals will be selected for the honour this year, joining 141 men and women who have previously been recognized for their work.

Forms and further information are available at Nominations close May 3.

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