March 1st, 2025

Proud history of MHPS on display as police celebrate 125th anniversary

By Brendan Miller on January 13, 2024.

NEWS PHOTO BRENDAN MILLER Members of the Medicine Hat Police Service during their 125th anniversary regimental parade in the Cypress Centre on Thursday.

Several current and retired members of the Medicine Hat Police Service were honoured Thursday evening as the service celebrated its 125th anniversary with a regimental parade at the Cypress Centre.

Members of the service were joined by city councillors, local politicians and members of the police commission, as well as the general public.

The service’s historians generally consider Jan. 13, 1899 as the beginning of a municipal police force, as on that day council of the time passed Bylaw No. 8, allowing for the hiring of a constable, who also served as the city’s inspector and health officer.

The North-West Mounted Police had five members stationed in the city at the time, according to the MHPS official history.

“In 1884, with the discovery of natural gas, Medicine Hat became an unincorporated town before the humble beginnings which led to the forming of the local police presence on January 13, 1899,” Master of Ceremonies Ret. Staff Sgt. Dave Townsend told the audience in attendance.

The police service grew to 14 members by 1906 and a police station and cell block was constructed in the basement of city hall.

In 1917 the service purchased its first car used for emergencies after sharing a vehicle with the fire department while officers utilized bicycles for patrols at night.

By 1965 the service had expanded to nearly 70 members and moved into its new headquarters on Ash Avenue.

“Over the past 125 years there have been many changes,” Townsend said. “The service has moved from the basement of city hall to the First Street Armouries. Next, moving to a new building at 169 Ash Avenue Southeast in 1965 where they resided until their most recent station was built in 1989.”

In 1980 the service established its first K9 unit and in 1990 the current headquarters officially opened.

“So 125 years ago the civic leaders at that time chose to have their own police service, which is impressive,” said police chief Alan Murphy. “The idea of that is to protect the interests of Medicine Hat and their safety so I think they’re ahead of their time.”

Since its beginnings in 1899 the service has grown significantly and currently has 113 police officers, seven peace officers and 32 civilian staff members.

“I was sworn in a year ago,”Murphy said. “So 23 chiefs ahead of me got us here today, I’m just one small part of that. I’m thankful to all of them. We have a lot of retired members that are here tonight.

“Everybody had a piece of getting us here today. And that’s pretty cool. We’re just carrying on the torch for now, and someone will take it from us in the future.”

The evening began with the entry of the Medicine Hat Police Service colours by its ceremonial team, and was followed with a traditional blessing from Troy Blaine, a member of the Sacred Horn Society. Several members of MHPS were presented service medals for their years of service. Afterwards there were speeches followed by a levee.

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