February 24th, 2025

Crop Report: Well behind average pace for seeding this spring

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on May 6, 2023.


Seeding in Southern Alberta is well-behind average pace, according to the first crop report of the season released on Friday by Alberta Agriculture.

It states that typically about one-third of acres in the region are completed by May 2, the reporting date, but a slow start in 2023 has progress pegged at just 7 per cent for major crops.

That is due to generally cooler than average temperatures over the last 60 days in areas south of Red Deer and notably cooler in the Medicine Hat region.

Seeding in central and northern areas usually only kicks off at about his time.

The situation is also having an effect on pasture and hayland, though 92 per cent of producers report adequate or better forage reserves.

Pasture development in the south is rated 43 per cent fair and 45 per cent good.

For cropland in the Medicine Hat, Strathmore, Lethbridge and Foremost regions, surface and subsurface moisture were both rated 48 per cent good to excellent.

Fall seeded crops were rated 72 per cent in excellent condition.

The Saskatchewan Crop report was not available.

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