March 14th, 2025

Film crew returns to follow firefighters

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on January 12, 2023.

German film crews follow the action at hte site of the Royal Hotel fire on Sept. 16, 2022. Production has returned to the city to gather winter footage for the documentary that will be shown on the Discovery Channel in Europe. -- News Photo Collin Gallant

A German documentary film crew is back in the city this month to follow local firefighters as they work in winter conditions.

That was announced at Monday’s meeting of the public services committee. The resulting show, titled “Alberta Alert” will then be completed in Germany.

“It will be shown on Discovery Channel in Europe, but we will get a copy and figure out how to make it available locally,” said public services managing director Brian Mastel.

During initial shooting the four-person crew was able to work around firefighters as they responded to the fire that destroyed the Royal Hotel in mid-September.

Local firefighter Rene Grigat is a German ex-pat and is a central figure in the show that also features the city’s fire service, facilities and Medicine Hat in general.

Monarch proposals due

A request for proposals process to determine the future of the Monarch Theatre closes today.

Last spring the city put out a call for expressions of interest in leasing or purchasing the historic Second Street movie house after the city acquired it when the City Centre Development Agency ceased operations.

That produced eight parties with an interest, but negotiations with the unnamed leading candidate broke off in the fall.

City officials have said the current process would give a chance for others to refine proposals.

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