March 13th, 2025

Brooks-MH is going to the polls Nov. 8… Is that your riding?

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on October 12, 2022.

Medicine Hatters hoping to cast a vote for or against new Premier Danielle Smith can do so in a provincial byelection on Nov.8, but only if they live in the north end of the city.

Smith announced Tuesday at her first press conference that cabinet has approved a byelection date in Brooks-Medicine Hat, and she will seek to win a seat in here after the minimum election period of 28 days.

Brooks-Medicine Hat was created during a 2017 realignment of constituencies that divided the entirely urban riding of Medicine Hat and joined them with rural areas to create two mixed rural-urban ridings.

Residents of the Gas City generally north of the South Saskatchewan River, as well as Redcliff, and northern portions of Cypress, were joined with Brooks and Newell County in a single riding.

The remainder of residents – except for a small portion of homes downtown and near the Medicine Hat Hospital in Brooks-Medicine Hat – vote alongside southern Cypress County voters in the Cypress-Medicine Hat riding.

The dividing line in the City of Medicine Hat is essentially Third Street SE, with addresses north of the centre line in to Brooks-Medicine hat.

All of the Flats are in Cypress-Medicine Hat, but all addresses north of a boundary made up of Third Street (west of the CP Rail tracks), Gershaw Drive and the Trans-Canada Highway (back to the river), are in Brooks-Medicine Hat.

East of the city, the division line runs from Saskatchewan to Medicine Hat city limits along Township Road 132 and then Highway 41A to divide eastern Cypress County.

West of the city, the north-south division follows the South Saskatchewan River.

All of the County of Newell, including Brooks and Bassano, between the South Saskatchewan River and the Red Deer River falls in the riding.

In the meantime, Smith also told reporters the office of Cypress-Medicine Hat MLA Drew Barnes has been tasked by the speaker’s office to cover any provincial issues arising for the residents of Brooks-Medicine Hat until a new MLA is decided.

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