February 8th, 2025

Empress elects three new councillors

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on August 17, 2022.


Newly elected councillors in Empress, Alta. will be sworn in to office on Thursday.

The village was left without local elected representatives this spring following a three resignations from the three-person council as well as the chief administrator.

An election held Aug. 8 in the centre located in Special Area No. 2 saw 79 of the village’s 130 eligible voters cast ballots.

Arlen Johnston (55 votes), Kelly Burgess (49) and Dawna Martin (39) secured seats, while Yvonne Robertson, Leo Hensel, Laureen Patterson and Neal Sunderland were also candidates.

A swearing in will take place at a special council meeting scheduled for Aug. 18 at the village office.

The village also announced this week that Gary Peers, of Acadia Valley, was appointed as the new interim chief administrative officer at a meeting on August 10.

In the absence of an elected council, the province had appointed a special administrator, Harold Johnsrude, to conduct business with the authorities of the council.

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