By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on January 22, 2022. Physical work needed to get the Crestwood Rec Centre back up and running is nearing completion, city administrators told a council committee this week, but an operational plan is still being developed. The pool and fitness facility has been closed to the public since heavy pandemic restrictions during the spring of 2020, and was slated to remain closed due to budget constraints before council voted to reopen it and the Moose Recreation Centre last month. The Moose arena is expected to remain closed until slab repair work can be done this summer ahead of a fall reopening, but minor work needed to ready Crestwood Rec Centre is nearly complete, said infrastructure division head Brad Maynes. “It will take some time, but the work is well underway,” he said during a division-wide update presented to committee. The city’s building services office should be prepared to hand over the facility at the end of January to the parks and rec department. Officials there have said re-hiring lifeguards and other staff would take place in early 2022, and some other operational matters would need to be dealt with. 7