March 13th, 2025

Hulgaard accused of continuing to spread propaganda

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on January 12, 2022.

A Medicine Hat man serving a community sentence and probation for inciting hatred against Jews is accused of breaking those conditions by continuing to spread online propaganda.

Loki Holger Hulgaard, 39, was sentenced in October 2020 to four months house arrest and two years probation after a cashier at a local grocery store was passed currency stamped with defamatory statements and conspiracy theories several years earlier.

Hulgaard was ordered to undergo intensive counselling as a condition of his sentence, as well as remove from online forums a lengthy manifesto he authored that argues a race war was coming and necessary.

The crime of inciting hatred is punishable by up to two years in prison.

According to a police complaint viewed by the News, officers were tipped off to a new internet link and activity in mid-July 2021.

They allege a resulting search of a computer at Hulgaard’s home, obtained during a warrant search, retrieved computer documents totalling some 3,000 pages of material circulated online that month and could be considered contrary to court order.

He was charged with breaching court conditions and released on bail in early August.

The case was adjourned on Tuesday in Medicine Hat provincial court. Defence attorney Michael C. Gilchrist told court more time was needed to examine a new batch of disclosure from Crown prosecutors.

Hulgaard pleaded guilty to passing a local grocery store clerk $5 bills in 2018 that were stamped with the phrase “White Genocide,” “ZOG” (standing for Zionist Occupational Government) and a link to internet sites.

The theory of white genocide, or replacement theory is popular among white supremacists, positing that a global Jewish conspiracy seeks to replace or wipe out the Caucasians through increased immigration in the Western countries.

Judge John Maher said at Hulgaard’s sentencing that it is was “a pseudo science and false history” that “increasingly leads to violence.”

At that time, Hulgaard also surrendered several rifles that had been altered to obscure serial numbers and ammunition. He pleaded guilty to one non-criminal offence of failing to update his firearms licence after legally changing his name from Brandon Dell in 2012.

Hulgaard petitioned the Court of Appeal to rescind his plea one month after he was sentenced in November 2020 arguing he received poor legal advice and the sentence violated his freedom of speech and conscience.

Court of Appeal officials told the News that the appeal was abandoned in May 2021.

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[…] The Medicine Hat Police Service was tipped off in July 2021 that Hulgaard was still writing anti-Semitic content, the Medicine Hat News reported.  […]