March 6th, 2025

Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan plans founding convention in Swift Current

By MEDICINE HAT NEWS on July 6, 2021.

The Buffalo Party of Saskatchewan aims to hold a founding convention in Swift Current in November, organizers of the provincial political party announced in late June.

The party fielded 17 candidates in the 2020 Saskatchewan election after initially organizing under the name “Wexit Saskatchewan.” It earned about 3% of the province-wide vote.

Material from the party states policies in “five pillars” would make Saskatchewan “equal to Quebec” in confederation.

They include the creation of a provincial police force, control of federal tax collection – which they say would unilaterally alter equalization programs – control over immigration and a Saskatchewan pension plan.

Delegates will meet Nov. 5-7 at the Palliser Pavilion in Swift Current.

Brooks broadband

The City of Brooks will spend $5.3 million to build and own a backbone fibre-optic cable network capable of delivering 10 gigabyte-per-second download speeds, its local government has announced.

An additional $15.7 million would be spent by company Community Network Partners to link up individual homes and businesses. The service to customers would initially be offered by O-Net, the broadband service provider created years ago by the Town of Olds. Eventually, service from other providers would be available, according to a release.

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