March 9th, 2025

Canada Day fireworks will be visible from several locales

By KELLEN TANIGUCHI on June 30, 2021.

When the fireworks light up the Medicine Hat sky from the Stampede grounds on Thursday, Hatters will be able to take in the view from a number of locations, says Ron Edwards, who is in charge of the Canada Day fireworks.

“You don’t have to be on the grounds to enjoy the fireworks. You’ll be able to see them from Leinweber Park, you’ll be able to see them across the river sitting on the banks up there on Crescent Heights. There’ll be lots of areas you’ll be able to see them from for sure,” said Edwards.

He says the grandstands will be open for people to sit and watch the fireworks, which start sparking up at 11 p.m. on Thursday night.

Prior to the fireworks, Edwards says there will be a free night show on the grounds. There will also be a pancake breakfast in the morning and family activities all day leading up to the firework show.

“It’s exciting for us and any event that you have that ends in fireworks is always exciting for everybody, and it’s something you can see for free from different areas throughout the city,” said Edwards.

The fireworks will be launching from the northeast section of the grounds, where they’re usually set off during Stampede week.

Edwards is usually in charge of the Stampede week fireworks as well and says the Canada Day show is bigger than those shows.

“Usually our fireworks during Stampede week, they’re every night, but they’re approximately 8-10 minutes and these will be a full 12 minutes with a more high-powered fireworks display themselves,” he said.

Edwards says the Canada Day fireworks show in the city is always great and he hopes the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede can carry that tradition forward with their inaugural Canada Day show.

“I think the Medicine Hat Exhibition & Stampede is just very proud to be able to host Canada Day on our grounds and we’ll just do our best and we have some wonderful volunteers … and we will just welcome the public and try to put on a really good show for them.”

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