March 10th, 2025

Cottonwood lot closing for construction, Linden lot closing for good

By Medicine Hat News on June 2, 2021.

Construction is set to begin on two COVID-19 stimulus projects in the city centre, meaning two parking lots will be closed in early July.

The city announced Tuesday it will not offer monthly passes for the Cottonwood or Linden Lots along First Street for June.

The lot at 603 First St. will be resurfaced and have new landscaping installed nearest to the intersection. That is part of general improvements to use the area as festival space in the future in conjunction with proposed improvements at Riverside Veterans Memorial Park and the city hall plaza across the street.

The “Linden Lot” will be closed permanently as city offices at 533 First St. will be expanded onto the parking lot.

Both projects are being paid for mostly by grants from the federal or provincial governments and are expected to be complete later this year.

Paving underway

Resurfacing three main routes in Medicine Hat is set to begin Wednesday, according to the city’s municipal work’s department.

Milling will proceed on:

– Division Ave. N., between Eighth and 12th streets;

– Gershaw Drive, from Seventh Street to the Trans-Canada interchange;

– 10th Avenue, between Gershaw and 17th Street, in the Southwest light industrial area.

Depending on weather, the schedule is to begin repaving with new asphalt the week of June 7.

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