March 12th, 2025

Vaccines urged by those getting them

By ALEX McCUAIG Special to the News on April 21, 2021.

Traffic at the Medicine Hat vaccination clinic remained consistent Tuesday afternoon with approximately a dozen vehicles parked outside at any one time. Those who spoke with the News say appointments have been easy to come by and fast to book this week.--NEWS PHOTO ALEX MCUAIG

It was steady as she goes at the Medicine Hat COVID vaccination clinic despite hundreds of thousands more Albertans now eligible to receive the shot.

Tuesday was the first day those between 40 and 55 became eligible for the AstraZeneca vaccine in Alberta which has driven a surge in those wishing to receive the shot as COVID-19 cases continue to rise in the province.

Medicine Hatters in that latest eligible cohort will be able to receive their shot starting on Thursday with appointments still available for this week as of Tuesday afternoon.

At the vaccination centre at Higdon Hall on Tuesday, those seeking the shot say they’ve been able to receive an appointment within 24-hours of requesting it.

Al Joa said he was turned away from a local pharmacy Monday as he was trying to get a vaccine due to underlining health conditions but was able to book an appointment at the Higdon Hall clinic by mid-day Tuesday.

“This is no joke,” said Joa. “There are millions of people who died of it already. I know some of them.”

Joe said three people he knows contracted COVID and, “they got it and that was it.”

Shelley Mattson was also awaiting her vaccination appointment and said the process was incredibly easy and quick to book online.

“The sooner everybody does it the sooner we can get on with our lives,” said Mattson.

She added those hesitant to get the vaccine should lay off Facebook and “talk to your own physician” when it comes to whether getting the shot is the right decision.

Moments prior to Hatter Jordanne Gold receiving her vaccination, she encouraged others to get the shot as, “It’s important to protect yourself and society.”

Her boyfriend, Kevin Monson, was critical of local MLA Drew Barnes’ support for lifting public health restrictions specifically and the UCP government’s handling of the issue in general.

“His government is the one in power,” said Monson of Barnes, “and we could have done better.”

Medicine Hat is reporting 107 active cases of COVID-19.

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