March 14th, 2025

Rattler Run making plans for another virtual event

By KELLEN TANIGUCHI on March 19, 2021.

The 42nd annual Rattler Run at Medicine Hat College will be held virtually for the second consecutive year.

Organizers are encouraging people to get outside on April 24 to run, walk or roll and be a part of the Rattler Run tradition.

“We had about 400 to 450 people take part last year, which is pretty good considering it was a virtual run,” said Patrick Sharp, athletic events supervisor at Medicine Hat College. “We’re excited to see if we can beat or match that total this year.”

Sharp added that the event is for everyone and not just for athletes.

“We want to make sure everyone understands this run is for everyone … we want it to be inclusive and we want people getting outdoors and being active, or even getting on their treadmill at home,” he said.

Runners can complete their run at anytime on April 24 and are encouraged to share their experience through social media using the #irun4me hashtag.

Bill Corcoran, coach of the newly formed Rattlers cross-country team, says he plans to have all the school’s current Rattlers runners and recruits participate in this year’s run.

“This is going to be our first new tradition for the relaunched Rattlers running program,” said Corcoran.

Racers can plan their own 3k, 5k or 10k runs, or use established race routes near MHC which can be found at

Online registration for the Rattler Run is free and opens March 29 on the website.

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