March 14th, 2025

AHS says upgrade to online vaccine booking will improve its capacity

By Medicine Hat News on March 4, 2021.

The online booking tool for COVID-19 vaccine was temporarily unavailable in the early hours Wednesday morning while the system was upgraded.

Alberta Health Services says the upgrade will improve capacity of the online booking tool and make for a more user-friendly system.

Telephone access to book an appointment was also affected while the online system was down.

A week ago AHS launched a booking system for seniors more than 75 years old to arrange a time for vaccination.

HealthLink 811 is the number to call, or book online:

The AHS online immunization booking tool and HealthLink are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In some parts of the province it is possible to book a COVID-19 immunization through local pharmacies. This is not yet available in Medicine Hat.

Each appointment is booked in 10-minute increments, and clients are asked not to arrive more than 10 minutes early and to wait in their cars until five minutes before their appointment.

AHS is also requesting, unless the senior requires assistance, that they enter the facility alone.

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