March 15th, 2025

School program aims to build Pathways to success

By MO CRANKER on February 26, 2021.

Medicine Hat Public School Division’s Pathways Program aims to work with students who may struggle in a classroom setting.

Alternative Programming vice-principal Greg Ferris once again presented to the public school division’s board, this time about Pathways.

“This is a new program in our system,” he said. “What Pathways is, is that schools in our system can refer students to us and it supports students with complex and diverse needs. It also is here for students with complex social or emotional needs.

“Pathways is an intervention program that, in our hopes, will help students gain skills to be successful in their community school.

“We work with the students and help them transition back into their schools.”

Pathways is based out of the YMCA Stay in School building and is working with 10 students right now.

“It’s definitely a range of grades from Grade 6 right through Grade 10,” said Ferris. “It’s typically Junior and Senior High students working with us.”

Pathways has one full-time teacher who works directly with the students. She creates specialized programming for each kid who passes through the program.

“Everything is custom-built and personalized,” said Ferris.

Pathways also employs a child and youth care worker and two educational assistants.

Students are referred to Pathways by teachers at their community schools. Each student spends as much time as they need with the program.

“It could be a few weeks or months,” said Ferris. “Each student has their own set of needs that we work with.

“We called this Pathways because everyone has a path in life and we wanted to be sure to personalize all of the work we were doing.

“That’s why we don’t but a time frame on how long they can stay. We want students to come here and really have their needs met.”

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