March 16th, 2025

Family Day fun still available through Police Point Park

By MO CRANKER on February 4, 2021.

Park interpreter Marty Drut shows off a birdhouse that can be made by Hatters this February.--NEWS PHOTO MO CRANKER

The people at Police Point Park are making sure Hatters are able to celebrate Family Day this month.

The Nature Centre is traditionally open every Family Day, offering a place to go and take part in a number of activities.

“With the pandemic on, none of the things we usually do can happen,” said park interpreter Marty Drut. “We wanted to offer things for people to do, but we knew we couldn’t do everything on one day. Why not do this for as much of the month as possible?

“People are always looking for things to do indoors and outdoors, so we came up with a few ideas.”

One of the biggest hits at the park each year is the Wildlife Kits, which cost $5. Parents are able to put together a birdhouse or feeder for their yard.

“Since Kiwanis subsidizes the program, we are able to offer these at an affordable cost,” said Drut. “People can come down and pay with cash, and take them home to work on them.

“These are a lot of fun.”

The Nature Centre is also offering a number of self-guided activities for families.

“Just because our building is closed, it doesn’t mean the trails are,” said Drut. “We have a number of new activities for people.”

Hatters are also able to go on the winter Story Walk at the park for the month.

The park is unable to offer cross-country skis or snowshoes due to COVID-19.

Heritage trail maps can be found outside of the Nature Centre’s front doors.

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