March 17th, 2025

Annual Polar Plunge going virtual this year

By MO CRANKER on January 21, 2021.

Medicine Hat Police Service inspectors Joe West and Brent Secondiak take the 2019 Polar Plunge near the Family Leisure Centre.--NEWS FILE PHOTO

Brent Secondiak is no stranger to jumping into freezing cold water for a good cause.

For as many years as it has been running in Medicine Hat, Secondiak and his Medicine Hat Police colleagues have taken part in the Polar Plunge.

The event is simple: jump into cold water and raise money for Special Olympics Alberta.

The plunge has once again been altered this year due to COVID-19, and it has gone virtual.

Those wishing to participate can raise funds digitally through the Special Olympics Alberta website. Then they can participate in a solo plunge, whether it is pouring cold water on their head, safely wading into the river or rolling around in snow.

The Plunge will take place on March 13, when Secondiak will take a quick dip in the South Saskatchewan River.

“It’s going to be cold, but it will be worth it,” he said. “I’ll have a few people out with me just to make sure everything is safe.

“This is a really great cause that I really believe in.”

Those raising money can choose to help out local athletes.

“There’s a number of fantastic athletes in our city,” said Secondiak. “I do this every year and this is a cause that’s near and dear to me.”

Those wishing to contribute can go to

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