March 17th, 2025

Tongue on the Post awaiting word on when/if crowdless festival can begin

By MO CRANKER on January 19, 2021.

Patrick Spence performs last year at Medalta during the final day of the Tongue on the Post Music Festival.--NEWS PHOTO MO CRANKER

The annual Tongue on the Post music festival is going to happen, it’s just a matter of when.

The festival is booked and ready to be livestreamed next week, but organizers are still waiting on an official green light to OK the festival.

“We’ve talked to every level of government and we’re still waiting,” said festival organizer Rob Pape. “We’re stuck sitting in limbo with an entire festival booked and arranged. We even have the tepee rented to display colours to show appreciation for our volunteers.

“Thursday is another deadline for restrictions to be lifted and we’re now waiting on that.”

The festival happens every year at Medalta and will still be held there this year. The 2021 festival will not host crowds, as it will be streamed to different social media platforms.

“We have the go-ahead for everything except for the Medalta portion of the festival,” said Pape. “Since it’s a museum, Medalta is still under restrictions.

“Medalta is a big part of our festival and they need people booking out their space.”

The festival is scheduled for Jan. 25-30 and Pape says it is just a matter of when, not if the festival will happen.

“We’ll go ahead with the festival when we’re able to do it,” he said. “We hope that is next week, but we will have to wait and see.”

Pape says announcements can be found on on the Medicine Hat Folk Music Club Facebook page.

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