March 18th, 2025

Christmas Dinner disasters: Sometimes it doesn’t go as planned

By Medicine Hat News on December 26, 2020.

A broken dinner plate ended up becoming a Christmas tradition for Bev Biggeman's family. -- SUBMITTED PHOTO BEV BIGGEMAN

Everyone looks forward to Christmas dinner, but sometimes things don’t go exactly as planned!

We asked Hatters about their most memorable and hilarious Christmas dinner disaster stories and this is what they submitted:

Bev Biggeman

This particular Christmas dinner wasn’t a disaster but it is still memorable. Just after sitting down to our festive meal, No. 1 son Nathan dropped the salt shaker on his plate and broke the plate into five pieces! My husband, Mr. Fixit, glued the plate with one of his favourite glues. We still use this plate every Christmas. I love how it broke in a star pattern.

Marilyn Sheppard-Colley

One year many moons ago, cooked up the complete dinner – all the veggies, buns, gravy and a huge Butterball turkey. Time came to carve the turkey and inside it was glowing fluorescent green! Totally ruined dinner that year, but it was like looking at an alien turkey! (Later it was confirmed it was contaminated).

Laurelle Hommy

I gave my friend my dressing recipe. He is all excited and makes it up. Has about 8 cups of dressing and can only fit about 1 cup into the turkey. He calls me completely confused. Stumped me for a minute. Turn the bird around! He stuffed the neck hole!

Tracy Lynn

Everyone Knows that I am NOT a cook! My husband and I tried cooking one year for our families. We stood at the sink and couldn’t tell which end was the butt and which was the neck and where to stuff it. Needless to say, we are no longer the “hosts.” I guess you don’t have much hope when you try to cook chicken fingers on wax paper.

Lorraine Martin Cox

We lived out in the country, both parents came in… lots of family. My son goes downstairs to get the turkey… thawing on the freezer. Well, the dog’s had a little feast. Washed the sucker off and dinner lol.

Jolene Muise

I didn’t torch the turkey but I torched my eyelashes off a couple years ago while cooking a turkey.

Melissa Heidinger

One year we decided to brine a turkey. The water must have been a bit too warm and the bag burst that my sister and I were holding and the brine soaked us. The salt burned our legs and leaked through the flood of my parents house and caused ceiling damage.

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