March 19th, 2025

SE Hill group hosting toy drive on Sunday for Santa Claus Fund

By Medicine Hat News on November 27, 2020.

A group of South East Hill children stand with Santa and a whale full of board games last year afternoon at Kiwanis Central Park. -- NEWS FILE PHOTO

A toy donation drive that aims to stuff the whale slide at Central Park will proceed this Sunday as a drop-off event.

The event, put on by the South East Hill Neighbourhood Association in support of the Medicine Hat News Santa Claus Fund, takes place 1-3 p.m. at the park, but is now described as a come-and-go event to promote social distancing and general health measures.

Increased health restrictions were enacted this week to slow the spread of the coronavirus.

On Sunday volunteers will provide “drive up and drop off” car window service on 12th Street. Anyone dropping off stuffed animals will be entered in a draw for a gift basket. Only new toys are requested.

Each year, the Santa Claus Fund distributes toys and food vouchers to those who are experiencing financial difficulty during the Holidays.

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