January 22nd, 2025

Seniors hold rally outside city hall to urge reopening of Veiner Centre

By GILLIAN SLADE on October 7, 2020.

More than 40 seniors gathered outside city hall with a message for the city to re-open the Veiner Centre and keep it open.--SUBMITTED PHOTO


More than 40 seniors gathered outside city hall on Tuesday afternoon to express their desire that the Veiner Centre be re-opened and remain open.

Since March, when the COVID-19 lockdown was established, the VC was closed and has remained closed.

Many seniors who are members and belong to clubs that meet there, are not happy that there has been this delay in re-opening, said Michelle Winger, a member of an artist group who arranged the event.

Winger said she was pleased with the turnout considering there was not much advance notice given. She said the gathering was arranged quickly because it was clear there would not be much time left for an outside gathering before the weather changes.

Winger says the mood on Tuesday afternoon was one of frustration with the city and their lack of communication.

“They are not telling us anything now. We would like to get inside. We are suffering from isolation,” said Winger, who feels the VC could be re-opened in stages. She notes that artists typically sit at opposite ends of long tables with their painting supplies around them. She says that would be a good club to start with and take it from there.

Winger says that city administration has been making decisions affecting seniors without consulting them.

One city official who had previously said he would speak to the group on Tuesday, in the end decided not to, said Winger.

The only other official who spoke with those gathered was Coun. Chris Samraj. Winger called his presence “admirable.”

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