March 5th, 2025

Simulation training developed for hospital

By Medicine Hat News on September 29, 2020.

Thanks to funding from the Medicine Hat and District Health Foundation, a simulation-based training environment has been developed at the hospital for staff to better prepare for real-life patient scenarios.--NEWS FILE PHOTO

A simulation-based training environment has been created at Medicine Hat Regional Hospital for health care staff to practise critical skills for the benefit of patients.

A former clinical space in the hospital has been redeveloped into a simulation lab with three areas featuring a debriefing space and video capture and streaming recording systems so staff can review their work. The simulation training will cover pediatrics, obstetrics, neonatal, intensive care, geriatrics, emergency, trauma, operating room, post anesthetic care unit, medical unit, surgical unit, mental health and intensive care.

“Simulation-based training has become an essential tool in the professional development of front-line staff,” says Dr. Vincent Grant, medical director for the eSIM provincial simulation program. “Lessons learned are on an individual, team and systems level, as the simulations can also identify issues in the care processes and environments that can be corrected.”

Brooks-Medicine Hat MLA Michaela Glasgo thanked the health foundation for helping to make this a reality and said it would make a difference in “the lives of residents throughout our entire region.”

Cypress-Medicine Hat MLA Drew Barnes says, “The new simulation lab demonstrates a commitment to advancing the quality and scope of healthcare expertise in rural Alberta. State-of-the-art training will create and attract world-class talent to meet the needs of the community.”

The project was made possible through financial support from the Medicine Hat & District Health Foundation, which covered the full cost of $120,000 to develop the space.

Heather Bach, executive director for Medicine Hat & District Health Foundation thanked the Drowning Ford Grazing Association for providing this eSIM lab to Medicine Hat Regional Hospital.

eSIM is a trademark for Educate, Simulate, Innovate, Motivate, and is a province-wide program. It gives all health care learners the opportunity to develop critical clinical and communication skills in a safe and non-threatening simulated environment, while not exposing actual patients to risk. Simulation has been identified by the Canadian Patient Safety Institute as a core strategy to educate health professionals to enhance patient safety.

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