January 22nd, 2025

Legion’s Ladies Auxiliary unveil special benches on the Hill

By Medicine Hat News on September 25, 2020.

Members of the Women's Auxiliary of the Royal Canadian Legion Robertson Branch 17 pose in front of one of seven stylized benches installed at Robertson Park in Medicine Hat thanks to their fundraising efforts.--NEWS PHOTO COLLIN GALLANT

After 100 years, and waiting a few extra months, the Ladies Auxiliary of the local Royal Canadian Legion Branch, finally have a bronze plaque with their name on it.

Executive members of the service club attended Robertson Park on Thursday for a grand unveiling of new park benches on the Southeast Hill playground that they funded as a centennial project last year.

It’s also the first time in memory for many members that they’ve been denoted on a permanent placard despite countless projects over the years.

“We said that we’ve got to do somethings for the Ladies Auxiliary,” said president Barb Lemna, who said sprucing up the park named for Pte. James Peter Robertson, V.C. – whose name adorns the No. 17 legion branch – was a fitting endeavour.

“They needed benches and we needed a project,” she said.

The project is an expansion on the city park’s department memorial bench program.

In this case, stylized metal benches featuring a military theme and poppies cover benches at the park off Cambridge Street.

The cost was $16,000 to the Ladies Auxiliary with Purist Welding producing the works and donating labour to the project.

The benches were installed last winter, but a planned spring-time dedication was postposed until this week.

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