March 11th, 2025

Testing of asymptomatic residents begins in Brooks

By GILLIAN SLADE on May 1, 2020.

Brooks has become the first location in the province where COVID-19 tests have been provided to those without any symptoms of the virus.

Dr. Lizette Elumir, medical officer of health in the Alberta Health Services south zone, says on three days this week almost 4,000 tests were done in Brooks. A test centre was established and anybody without symptoms could arrive, no need for an appointment, and request a test.

A total of 3,653 swabs were taken. The results of those tests are now coming in, said Elumir. Those tested were told if their test is positive they will be contacted and then would be required to self-isolate for 10 days.

Other COIVID-19 tests carried out in Alberta have been done on people who already have symptoms.

The Brooks tests of asymptomatic people could provide some interesting data, said Elumir noting it will be “difficult to interpret” the results.

She says if anyone arrived for testing but actually had symptoms that could indicate COVID-19, they were assessed differently independent of the 3,653 people tested.

According to Alberta Health data released on Wednesday, Brooks has had a total of 763 COVID-19 positive cases, 728 which are currently active and a total of 31 people have already recovered. There have been four deaths in Brooks linked to the virus.

Two of those deaths and many of the positive cases are linked to an outbreak at the JBS meat processing plant.

“They’ve been making a lot of change in their plant,” said Elumir.

The close working relationship with JBS has been mutually beneficial, said Elumir. JBS provides housing units for some of the staff in Brooks. Officials have enabled AHS to make contact quickly with employees who tested positive.

The city has also worked diligently to make appropriate isolation spaces available for those who need to be segregated while they self-isolate. Elumir says AHS has been meeting daily with officials from the city of Brooks.

There are two seniors’ residences in Brooks with outbreaks of COVID-19 – Orchard Manor and Sunrise Gardens. There has also been one death.

The regular meetings with officials from each of the residences include compliance with measures that are in place, staffing levels, swabbing for tests and making sure there is adequate personal protective equipment available.

“Given that we jumped on it right away … they’ve been good at starting all the precautions and even more,” said Elumir. “They started what was our minimum guidance but they actually added more to try and be as careful as possible.”

AHS does not release the numbers for positive cases, Alberta Health does and it has not revealed the total number of positive cases in these Brooks residences.

“There are always challenges (in seniors’ residences) but people are doing as much as humanly possible,” said Elumir.

She says she is aware that people are fearful about the pandemic but reminds everyone that we do have a lot of control over what we do to protect ourselves.

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