March 14th, 2025

Stepping up for the food bank

By MO CRANKER on April 7, 2020.

NEWS PHOTO MO CRANKER The Lions Club of Medicine Hat donated $25,000 to the Medicine Hat and District Food Bank Monday. Food bank executive director Celina Symmonds says the organization is serving about 100 families per day.

The Lions Club of Medicine Hat made a sizable donation to the Medicine Hat and District Food Bank on Monday.

The group met with food bank executive director Celina Symmonds at 2 p.m. to donate a cheque of $25,000 to the organization.

“We’re so blessed in this community to have so many amazing groups that come together every time we need the support,” said Symmonds. “Right now, the need is great, and we know it will continue to grow.

“We just want to make sure Hatters have food.”

Earlier in the day, the food bank received a $60,000 donation from EBT Accounting.

Symmonds says the food bank has seen a large uptick in users per day. She says the organization is helping around 100 families per day.

Lions Club of Medicine Hat acting president James Higgins says the food bank is an important group to help.

“The need is there right now,” he said. “These are crazy times right now and people need help.

“There is help coming from the government, but people need help right now – that’s where the food bank comes in.”

The food bank is allowing for hamper pick-up in a drive thru-style fashion at its location. It is also delivering some hampers around the city.

Symmonds says people can donate online by sending an e-transfer to the food bank. The email address for that is

Higgins added that he is trying to start a waving campaign, where people wave to each other when ever they get the chance.

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Les Landry
Les Landry
4 years ago

I wonder what excuse they will use to turn people away now.
I am in a complete “Doctor ordered isolation” with no resources for people to go shopping for me and they refused to help me.
How many more people have they refused?