March 11th, 2025

Family physicians ready and able during COVID-19

By GILLIAN SLADE on April 2, 2020.

The Alberta Medical Association is reminding Albertans that family physicians are ready and able to care for their patients even during the social distancing period.

There are lots of ways family physicians can care for patients safely and effectively during this time.

If you have a medical need, you should call your doctor’s office for details on how that particular office is functioning.

Some family physicians in Medicine Hat have shared that they are doing many telephone consultations where possible, rather than in-office visits. Some offices are arranging for in-person visits when necessary, but to avoid having anyone in the waiting room to practise social distancing, patients must arrive and be specifically let in by staff. They are then taken directly to an examination room.

Other physicians are talking about and looking into the possibility of video links for a consultation. There are specific requirements that have to be met for this and there is also the expense of acquiring the equipment and necessary approvals.

You should call your family doctor’s office and ask what is available to meet your needs for an appointment.

If you have symptoms that you believe could indicate COVID-19, please call Health Link 811 or complete the online assessment tool at

There are specific requirements for self-isolation, as well as who is required to do so, available online at

The AMA says there are lots of ways to work with patients safely and effectively, including virtually if you must quarantine, e.g., as a returning traveller. If you do not need to be in isolation or quarantine and an in-person visit is required, that can be managed, too. Please call your doctor’s office before you visit.

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