January 13th, 2025

City Notebook goes on holiday

By Medicine Hat News on August 10, 2019.

The regularly appearing City Notebook column is on hiatus for two weeks. Instead, fans of the historical aspects of the column, and all readers, should enjoy this editorial from Medicine Hat News dated July 2, 1919:

“Why not a vacation on the porch? It is right at hand, quiet and in the open. A front porch will do, but a back porch is better. It should be one of those ample, homey porches which do not look like as if they had been hitched to the house like a trailer to an automobile, or sent on as an afterthought by parcel post.

A roomy, ambling porch is ideal. The long shadows creeping over it make of it a sun-dial whereon the hours of rest and dream foretell of their coming. The birds are there, too, much at home and ready to be friends. They enjoy themselves and tend to stay. There is the hammock or swing, the little table with its friendly group of summer books, the easy slippers, mother’s sewing basket, and father’s pipe. And yonder is the garden, where summer works her mellow fruitfulness. What an ideal place for a vacation!”

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