October 7th, 2024

Leaked MHPS survey results don’t give ‘the full picture’: police commission chair

By medicinehatnews on January 24, 2019.

Greg Keen, the chair of the Medicine Hat Police Commission, speaks at a news conference Thursday, Jan. 24, 2019 to address allegations that the results of an internal employee survey were suppressed by the chief.

The chair of the Medicine Hat Police Commission says internal employee survey results leaked to the press don’t present “the full picture.”

Greg Keen held a news conference Thursday at city hall to respond to allegations from local paralegal Ken Montgomery, who provided the results to the News, that Medicine Hat Police Service Chief Andy McGrogan, who initiated the surveys, suppressed unfavourable results.

“Contrary to the allegations made in the document, the police commission was informed of internal surveys conducted by the Medicine Hat Police Service and issues raised by the surveys,” said Keen. “The commission shared the Medicine Hat Police Service’s concerns.”

The raw data from the surveys, which were conducted by City of Medicine Hat Human Resources, were not provided to the MHPS nor the MHPC, he added.

Keen said the MHPC was “blindsided” by the leaking of the documents to the public.

More to come.

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