October 7th, 2024

City planners want to close roadway splitting flood-prone land

By Collin Gallant on December 7, 2018.

Medicine Hat News

Planners are moving to close a roadway that separates parcels of flood-prone land near Ross Creek, which the city purchased over the course of the past decade.

A city committee heard Wednesday that bare lots on Porcelian, Shale and Iron avenues bisected by an alleyway comprise the area, but planners would like to consolidate the lots into a single parcel.

Parts are being being used as overflow space by the city’s solid waste department, which has a shop on the south of the block facing Industrial Avenue.

Since damaging floods in 1995, 2010 and 2013, city policy is to purchase lots in the area when they become available in order to limit private development between the Ross and Seven Persons creeks.

The bylaw to close the laneway could be introduced in December, with a public hearing and final vote set to follow in January.

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