October 5th, 2024

Woman granted bail after a minor outburst via CCTV

By Jeremy Appel on September 14, 2018.


A woman from Vernon facing several charges in the Medicine Hat region had an outburst Thursday at a bail hearing in provincial court.

Kristy Lynn Wilson, 52, appeared via closed-circuit TV from the Calgary Remand Centre.

“Do I get a chance to talk?” the accused interjected at one point during the appearance, before launching into a rant about how she was attempting to protect her son, who she claims is living with a man who is abusive.

“He does that rap stuff. He’s a drug addict. He’s into Molly,” Wilson said, referring to the street name for the drug ecstasy.”

“I can’t justify keeping her in remand,” said Judge Gordon Krinke. “She seems lucid.”

Wilson then interrupted again.

“Ms. Wilson, be quiet,” responded Krinke.

At another point in the proceedings, Wilson asked if she could ask a question.

“I’d prefer not, but OK,” said Krinke before she commented on her son’s purported inheritance.

“I have nothing to do with that,” said the judge.

Wilson faces four counts of unlawful harassment, one count of housebreaking with intent to commit an indictable offence and one count of mischief rendering property dangerous, useless, inoperative or ineffective, as well as four breaches of court orders.

The Crown prosecutor described her “odd” behaviour at a prior bail hearing for separate matters.

“She didn’t seem to comprehend that she needed to abide by her conditions,” the Crown said, adding they were concerned she was unable to communicate effectively with duty counsel.

Defence lawyer Bradley Bellmore said his client has experienced “great discomfort” being in jail, where she’s spent a month away from home.

A mental health assessment is in the works for Wilson, although it has yet to be written, and she has a psychiatrist in Vernon.

She will return to Medicine Hat as necessary, Bellmore added.

Wilson was granted $500 no-cash bail, with the condition she not enter the Hamlet of Walsh, where her son resides.

Her next court appearance is scheduled for Oct. 3.

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