March 20th, 2025

Community Foundation dishes out $131K in fall grants at Tuesday event

By Peggy Revell on November 30, 2017.

Medicine Hat News

A number of local organizations were given funding boosts and recognized at the Community Foundation of Southeastern Alberta annual Chair’s Reception Tuesday.

“All of the grants and scholarships that are awarded this fall will have an impact, improving the quality of life for people in southeastern Alberta,” said Grants Committee chair Darren Folkersen in a press release.

“The Community Foundation is dedicated to contributing to a better and more inclusive community, one that is already smart and caring. Charities in southeastern Alberta have mountains to climb in their pursuit for social change and we are here to help.”

Recipients of CFSEA’s Smart and Caring Community Fund were announced at Tuesday’s reception held at the Medicine Hat Golf and Country Club.

Big Brothers/Big Sisters Medicine Hat and District was given a grant of $15,000 for the development of the GoGIrls! Group program that has recently launched.

Kidsport Society of Medicine Hat and Redcliff received $15,000 toward its core programming. The Medicine Hat John Howard Society was given a grant of $11,000 toward a new Indigenous Healing Circle Program for Remand Centre inmates.

The Sexual Assault Response Committee was given an $8,000 grant for its Healing House group, which supports female youth ages 15-20 who have experienced sexual violence.

The Medicine Hat SPCA was given a grant of $4,359.89 toward facility renovations, with this amount going toward upgrading its storage system and animal holding area. The Brooks Music Festival Association was given a grant of $2,500 for its annual festival.

The total in grants given out this fall by the CSFEA to charities and individual scholarship recipients is $131,390.

The CFSEA holds two grant cycles each year, one in spring and one in fall. The next grant application deadline will be March 16.

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