Downed power lines, outages across the city
By Medicine Hat News on October 17, 2017.
The City of Medicine Hat has activated its emergency operations centre as the city’s electricity distribution department is dealing with a variety of power outages, downed lines and fires across the city.
The department’s acting manager, Jeff Sandford says crews are responding and the city is asking people to stay back at least 10 metres from any downed lines.
Sandford said this is a “sustained event” and crews will work as quickly as they can but also must work safely.
If you suspect a downed line or power emergency the city asks you call the Electrical Utility emergency number at 403-529-8260 or 911. Medicine Hat Police Service advises 911 is fielding a high number of calls but says the system is functioning properly. “Incoming calls may be re-routed to supporting agencies to field the intake of complaints which are routed back to our dispatch centre,” reads a statement from MHPS.